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Building the Perfect Company

Published 2nd Nov 2021

At some point in our lives, we’ve all had at least one job that we haven’t wanted to jump out of bed for. The reason for that will be different for everyone. The important thing to understand is why. This will allow you to identify the reasons that you might not have been the perfect candidate for that specific role or company. Most importantly, you now understand what need from your next company.


Your Goals and Values

One of the most common reasons people are feeling unhappy in the workplace at the moment is the lack of flexibility. Since returning to the office after a long time away we really notice if our company is lacking those flexible working options. Whether they are rigid with the working hours or don’t offer the opportunity to work from home. Most companies are now offering these options to their employees. The reason? To keep them happy and show appreciation for their workforce’s needs. Are you as a company offering flexible or home working solutions for your employees? If not, why not?

Since the pandemic, most people have felt more freedom with working hours that fit around their schedule and appreciate the flexibility afforded by working from home. This was a necessity for businesses during the pandemic but now nearly all have now adopted the practice in some form as we emerge from the shadow of Covid19.

Most companies offer the option to work from home whether it’s 1 or 5 days of the working week. It gives the employee freedom and a feeling of being appreciated by their employer. A supported and happy employee is a hard-working employee, it’s as simple as that.

It’s important that before you as a prospective employee take any new opportunity, you’re clear with yourself about your ultimate needs and wants. What is the job going to offer you? It’s essential to acknowledge and understand if your chosen company truly aligns with your values.

It seems that in today’s working world most people would rather take a pay cut to receive a better quality of life. Can we really blame them?


Your Visualisation

The above is vital to consider when building your company. It’s essential you have a clear idea of what your company would look like. Not only the fundamentals of the business but think deeper, explore the culture, team and most importantly the brand you want to create.

To build a great company the steps are simple but need to be done correctly. The first step can seem the most daunting to get right, however, just strip back to basics and have a clear idea about why you want to create a new team or even start your own company. What did you find your previous companies lacked? Most importantly what would you do differently to create a successful team?

First things first, do you understand your core values and goals? Having a clear understanding of your company’s goals will allow you to plan and measure future success. This allows your team to visualise where the company is moving towards, ensuring everyone is working together to achieve the same goals and allows them to envisage being there for the long run in order to achieve these targets.

Something that we at McCarthy always speak about and discuss at length is internal branding. It’s well and truly the way forward to creating a successful company and team. If your internal branding is up to scratch and conveys clear and tangible messages the team will work seamlessly. The key is being open with the company goals from the very beginning. Not only will this help with the journey of developing your business, but it also allows colleagues to live the brand and invest in achieving the same goals.


Finding the Right Candidates

Whether you’re building your company from scratch or undergoing some form of restructuring, it’s vital you have a clear plan of what your new ideal team looks like.

When it comes to your team it’s essential that the right people are in the right roles. This helps the team run smoothly and (most importantly) effectively. The biggest mistake managers and leaders make is hiring the wrong people. This might be because of the short amount of time they have found a candidate, ultimately settling for the best person in a less than ideal talent pool. It’s even more important to not settle in this way for leadership roles, these people will be taking responsibility for managing your team, requiring trust and faith in their ability to deliver your company goals. It’s vital the person in this position is ticking all the boxes.

Finding the right talent can be difficult when filling a senior position. The right candidate for the role could be a one in a thousand find. Getting the time to look through that number of candidates can seem impossible when undertaken alongside your current workload. Even if you already have an in-house recruitment team the database of potential candidates could be running dry when searching for something so specific.

Another crucial consideration is whether the candidate fits with the culture of your company. The importance of this cannot be overstated. The team getting along and understanding each other is a real deal-breaker if you really want to get the most out of your people. Having a great dynamic within the team and company as a whole will have a massive impact on the quality of work and help deliver staff retention.


Think Smarter Not Harder

Are you thinking about hiring an internal recruitment team?  It’s a good thing to explore different options when it comes to recruiting.  Partnering with an external recruitment consultancy could enable you to gain a quality candidate that will be perfectly suited to your company. An external recruitment consultancy often has an extensive candidate database and access to a number of quality networks to find that perfect candidate.

If your company needs support discovering and reflecting the brand proposition for talent acquisition or assistance with locating the perfect candidate, you’re in the right place. We offer a number of different services which we’re sure will be perfectly suited to your needs.

Here at McCarthy we’ve been helping our clients for 17 years, boasting a team with over 150 years of combined experience in culture matching companies and candidates. We are confident in our ability to understand your recruitment requirements and gain a deep insight into who you are as an organisation to find that perfect fit.


Don’t hesitate to get in touch, it’ll be great to chat.


If you would like support with your recruitment needs you can find more information about our consultancy services by clicking here

Or call us today for a free no-obligation chat 0161 828 8726




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  • Creating And Recruiting The Right People
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