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How To Read A Job Description & Apply For A Role The Right Way

Published 3rd Mar 2022

The importance of reading a whole job description

Many people turn up to interviews without fully understanding the job role they have applied for and employers will notice this pretty quickly. The salary and benefits package might sound great, but do the responsibilities match up? Do you have the required skills for the role? Before sending over your application, it’s really important to understand the job role you have applied for; but how do you do this?


Figure out if you’re a match

First things first, get out your highlighter and pin-point all the key elements in the job description; whether this be key words, requirements or elements that stick out to you. You should then think about how these elements match up with your current experience and what it is you are looking for from your next job role. You can start to match these things together, but you can also see where your gaps might be. Don’t be worried if there are gaps in your CV to the job description; whilst you may not have one element of what the job description is asking for, you may a wealth of other experience that you can bring to the table instead.

What’s most important to you

Before starting your job search, take the time to understand exactly what you want from your next role and what the most important factors are. This could be done by writing a list of non-negotiables or writing a list of your top ten priorities, in which your next role needs to match at least 6. Whether this be salary, hybrid working or specific tasks you do not want to do; think back to your list as you read each and every job description.

Tailor your approach

Now you have made your list, think about how you will lay out your CV and job application. We have plenty of material on how to write a good CV, however make sure you tailor your approach to ensure it shows exactly what the employer is looking for. You should take the time to tailor your response for every single role you apply for, whether this means removing certain aspects of your skills or placing prominence on others. If you are able to ‘connects the dots’ for the hiring manager – this could be the difference in securing an interview.

Give examples

When writing your cover letter, think about examples that you can give that display the qualities that the job description is looking for. Don’t forget to mirror their language! If the job description is looking for leadership, talk about your experience in leading and motivating a team. If the job description is looking for someone detail orientated, think of an example where you have noticed details other people may have not.

But most importantly, know what it is that the prospective employer is looking for.

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