Head Office : 0161 828 8726

The Change Agent

She assists you through people change, re-structure and transformation projects ensuring that she advises you on the best route to achieving recruitment success. Expert in partnering HR and recruitment teams, she will ensure your business prospers and you have trusted partner consulting with you throughout your journey.

With this package you will get:

  • As a talent partner we Offer various consultancy services that Will assist you to deliver your people agenda and advise you on all aspects of recruitment, retention, team development and succession planning.
  • An Expert in assisting businesses through change and transformation, we WI||partner with you to assist with whatever your biggest people concern may be and provide you with solutions, suggestions, and a clear project plan.
  • Experienced in bench marking teams, writing assessment materials and candidate market research including board reports an people structures.
  • We know that the key to unlocking commercial success is ensuring high people engagement, and having the right talent in the right place. We can help you unlock this and ensure that your recruitment efforts achieve optimum success.
  • Experts in delivering recruitment and interview training covering all aspects of the recruitment cycle from headhunting through to on-boarding
  • We have delivered detailed training fa in-house recruitment teams across numerous sectors covering interview skills, headhunting and managing the candidate experience.

Benefits for you:

  • Unlocks commercial success
  • 25% Increase in candidate retention.
  • 40% Reduction in recruitment costs.
  • 12% Increase in candidate acceptance.
  • 93% Excellent satisfaction from training feedback
  • 100% Of clients would recommend the change agent.

The Change Agent