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What a year 2020 has been!

Published 16th Dec 2020

It’s been a cracker


Christmas is often a time to reflect on the year, and although many of us are only delighted to move past 2020, we also feel there’s a lot to celebrate!

Here at McCarthy, we were determined to stay open throughout the entire pandemic, from lockdown one to lockdown two to tier whatever…we were committed to being available and ready to listen.

We wanted to support our clients and especially our candidates, even when we couldn’t necessarily do it by finding them a new job or giving them a hug.

Realising we couldn’t predict anything, we threw our annual business plan out of the window as we didn’t know why, what or how…

Instead, we focused on ensuring the survival of our business the only way we know how…

By trading through, being kind and doing it together.


The team worked harder than ever, with a passion and a team ethic that we could not be prouder of


Together, we experienced so many positives and highs that we definitely could not have anticipated! We celebrated every win, we prioritised what was important and we remembered how much strength we have as a team.

Our dedicated team supported 554 individuals through redundancy and secured more placements than we ever thought possible, even in the wake of the 28th of March when our business lost 95% of its vacancy pipeline.

We are proud to now work with many new clients, placing in direct high temp, contract and permanent recruitment. We will also continue to work with a range of industries such as technology, agriculture, logistics, e-commerce, marketing, care and of course McCarthy’s heritage…retail and hospitality.


We have kept our unique family-focused culture alive


We are so happy that this year has allowed us to successfully demonstrate that we are a discipline led, not a sector-led recruiter.

We have also developed new products, delivering a new e-learning platform and offering more HR and business consultancy than ever before.

Many of the placements this year have not been what we expected, or in the roles we could have predicted.

However, our success has not just been about business results. We also had a number of personal achievements within the team.

We celebrated engagements, new-borns and two 50th birthdays. We learned how to do improper fractions and our kids guided our thinking.  We laughed and we cried. We experienced feelings of excitement, nerves, joy and sadness but always together and always side by side.


We never gave up


We love our business and it was too important to us to lose. We moved out of our comfort zone and together, however cheesy it sounds, we have a strength and unity we want to shout about!

To ensure our committed and passionate team have the break they deserve this Christmas, and some well-deserved time with their families, we have decided to close our offices early from the 18th of December.

We will still be contactable during this time should you need to get in touch, and we look forward to welcoming back our entire team on the 4th of January.


We couldn’t have done it without you


We would like to take this opportunity to say thank you, thank you, thank you!

Although we may have achieved results way beyond our expectations at the start of the first lockdown, we couldn’t have done it without the kindness of so many people.

Here at McCarthy we pride ourselves on building long-lasting and genuine relationships with our clients. Without the unwavering support of our client partners, new and old, we wouldn’t be where we are today.

We look forward to continuing to work alongside you, helping you to achieve every success in the New Year.

This year might have been crackers, but it showed us just how much can be achieved when we pull together.

Yes – that was another cracker pun…


From our team to yours – Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Stay safe and we look forward to being able to meet you in person in 2021!

  • https://vimeo.com/491551077
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